Context of the Hazard Study

The information contained in this report is the commencement of a three-step process of coastal zone management planning. The intention of this report is to identify and provide information about inundation hazards, and is the first step in the development of a sound coastal management framework that:

  • is functional on a day to day basis – to ensure coastal managers have a thorough understanding of the coastal processes affecting their shorelines, as well as the wider area, to enable them to respond effectively;
  • builds capacity for future challenges – providing technical information to assist in management of future risks, to assist in the implementation of suitable adaptation responses which effectively utilise resources for reducing risk; and,
  • provides information that will enable the establishment of an adaptive management process – ensuring managers review the suitability of management plans and, in particular, regularly review the climate change and sea-level rise science. Management procedures need to be monitored and revised to ensure the long-term capacity of any adaptation responses.

Subsequent steps in the development of a coastal management framework (beyond the scope of this study) will include risk assessments that will relate the hazard information in this document to assets and values, after which management options and adaptation responses are evaluated to minimise the effects of the hazards on said assets and values. This study also identifies what additional studies are required to fill data gaps.


Aims & Objectives